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Available On Demand: Beneficial Ownership Reporting Under the New Corporate Transparency Act Part 4 Webinar

By: Staff Contributor on Apr 4, 2023 10:10:42 AM

Did you miss our exciting webinar on Beneficial Ownership Under the New CTA: Part 4? Don't worry - you'll have another chance to watch the webinar free On Demand!

In Part 4 of this series, we offered brief overview on the CTA and then covered what’s new since FinCEN issued its final rulemaking last fall on Beneficial Ownership Information reporting under the Corporate Transparency Act. This includes FinCEN’s recent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on who has access to the Beneficial Ownership database, the protocols for requesting access and the scope of that access.

We also considered the various business entity transactions that could trigger the reporting requirements or the need to update an existing Beneficial Ownership Information Report. We addressed what we know to date, what is still uncertain and ways to prepare for the January 1, 2024 implementation date.

Beneficial Ownership Reporting Under the New CTA: Part 4
What's New, What We Know Now and What Remains for the January 1, 2024 Effective Date



This webinar, hosted by Pia Angelikis, Esq., VP of Government Relations and Legal Research, covered the following:

  • Timeline for Compliance
  • Background of the CTA and definition of key terms – including what’s new, what we now know, and what remains unknown
  • Special Considerations – business entity transactions that could trigger new reporting requirements or updates to existing reports
  • Timeline Revisited and Preparation for Implementation
  • What’s Next – state-level legislation and laws requiring beneficial ownership reporting
  • Conclusion and Q&A

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There is no fee to watch this on demand webinar, but registration in advance is required.  

CLE and MCLE Information:

California: This course has been approved by the California MCLE Board for 1 MCLE credit hour. (CA attorneys please provide Bar number during registration.) Provider #10934

Florida: This course has been approved by the Florida Bar for 1CLE credit hour. Course #2303826N

Illinois: This course has been approved by the Illinois MCLE Board for 1 MCLE credit hour. (IL attorneys must provide their ARDC number for provider reporting purpose.)

New York: Cogency Global has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education. This course has been approved in accordance with the Board for a maximum of 1 credit hour, all of which can be applied toward the Professional Practice requirement.

Texas: This course has been approved for MCLE credit by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE in the amount of 1 credit hours, of which 0 credit hours will apply to legal ethics/professional responsibility credit. (TX attorneys must provide their bar number for provider reporting purposes). Course #174194087.

National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA): This course has been approved by NFPA for 1 CLE credit hour.

National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA)This course has been approved by the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) for 1.25 CLE credit hours. 

Note: to receive full credit you must be present the entire presentation and answer all poll questions throughout the webinar.

Please note:

  • This program is suitable for newly admitted and experienced attorneys.
  • M/CLE is general credit and does not include any of the following: legal ethics, recognition and elimination of bias, competence, mental health/substance abuse, diversity/inclusion, civility, professionalism. Official NY State CLE certificates will be emailed after the event.
  • Cogency Global does not pursue CLE credit for Paralegals, CPAs, or CPEs. We encourage you to submit this certificate of attendance to your professional organization to obtain credit.
  • For any states not listed as approved or pending we strongly encourage attendees to self-apply/self-report to the respective states. 

And just in case you missed our first three webinars in this series, why not watch them On Demand? You’ll get a sense of where this act started, what it means, and where it’s going.

Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Requirements: What the New Corporate Transparency Act Means for All Business Entities in the US

Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Requirements Part 2: The Proposed Rules Interpreting & Clarifying the New Corporate Transparency Act

Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Requirements Part 3: FinCEN’s Final Rules Implementing the New Corporate Transparency Act

Please feel free to share with your colleagues or any other legal and financial professionals who may benefit from this information. If you have any additional questions, contact us by sending an email to webinars@cogencyglobal.com.

Topics: Corporate Transparency Act