A legal entity identifier (LEI) is a unique 20-digit alphanumeric code used to identify the entities in a financial transaction. Your global LEI is publicly-available information about your company that becomes part of a global directory for worldwide transparency and helps to maintain the integrity of global financial markets, financial institutions and your transactions.
Get Your Legal Entity Identifier Code
For more information on LEIs check out our short video below or feel free to get in touch with us to learn more about our LEI services. Call us directly or fill out the form to the right:
Who Needs a LEI?
If you are a global entity located in the EU or in any of these jurisdictions or industries, you will likely need a legal entity identifier. Demand for LEI’s will continue to increase as regulators in more industries and verticals worldwide implement legislation that require legal entities to obtain this identifier for reporting purposes.
Obtaining your LEI number means you get:
- Simplified reporting obligations
- A better understanding of your counterparty’s risk exposure (and therefore better risk management and less cost)
- Greater transparency across the financial markets you are active in
How To Obtain A Legal Entity Identifier
Cogency Global is authorised as an LEI Registration Agent by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation. We register and maintain our clients' LEIs through Bloomberg, one of the world’s largest Local Operating Units (LOU), which means we can submit and maintain registrations for you in every jurisdiction.
If your entity is required to obtain an LEI, the Cogency Global team can complete the entire registration process on your behalf on an expedited basis and navigate initial business validation. After filing, we’ll follow up as needed, until an LEI is assigned, typically within 3-5 days (standard service) or within 1 to 2 days (expedited service).
We also keep track of your required annual information maintenance to ensure your LEI remains active at all times.
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