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We will be conducting website maintenance on Saturday, February 15th, beginning at 8 a.m. ET, lasting 4 hours. All applications will be affected, including CTA Central®, UCC ProFile and Entity Central®. Thank you.

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Request Information Anonymously

What is a FOIA requestWhat is a FOIA request and how can you submit a FOIA request that’s important to you, while remaining completely anonymous?

Freedom of Information Act requests and state open records searches are challenging and notoriously time-consuming because of the laborious process and diligent follow-up required. This can become even more difficult when you want to remain anonymous or make multiple requests at different agencies.

Whether you need agency deliberations, details about the award of government contracts, information for political campaigns, evidence for cases in litigation, or a public document that isn’t readily available, we can manage the request process on your behalf while your identity remains confidential.

Full Service and Follow-Up Beginning With A FOIA Request Online

We’ll handle the process from start to finish, from submitting a state open records or Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request online, to providing the necessary follow-up and an agency appeal, if needed. Minimize delays with our knowledge of the requirements and standard language, agency contacts and persistent follow-up.

Our Freedom of Information Act and State Open Records Services

From forms to fees, every part of your anonymous FOIA request will be under the COGENCY GLOBAL name, keeping you and your company completely anonymous. Our services include:

  • Working with you to properly address and draft a request, using the agency’s required format and method of submission.
  • Submitting your request for information, and forwarding the agency acknowledgment and all further correspondence.
  • Remitting fees on your behalf.
  • Persistent follow-up and negotiation of agency requests to narrow, grant extensions, etc.
  • Copies of the signed initial request, all agency correspondence, responsive documents, and the final determination, delivered promptly.
  • Assistance with an agency appeal if your request is initially denied.

There Are Many Variations of State Open Records Laws

Each state has its own laws concerning access to records from state and local government agencies, with varying requirements under their different Public Records Laws, Public Records Acts, Open Records Acts, Sunshine Laws, Right to Know Laws, etc. Let our specialists help you with your records requests.